Social Studies Links
Time Maps - Visit any civilization, nation or empire to see and read about the context, chronology, connections and the big picture of history.
Atlas of World History - see how countries have appeared, disappeared, and grown over time.
Maps and the Earth
Latitude and Longitude Map Game
National Geographic Kids Games
Regions of Canada
4Hillier Regions of Canada Wiki 2015
4Butler Regions of Canada Wiki 2015
Regions of Canada (Meadowbrook Middle School)
Official Symbols of Canada (Government of Canada)
Symbols of Canada Publication (2010, .pdf)
Colin and Julie Angus
Colin Angus (Wikipedia)
Adventurers of the Year: The New Magellans (National Geographic)
National Historic Sites in Newfoundland and Labrador
Provincial Historic Sites in Newfoundland and Labrador
Conservative Party of Canada
National Democratic Party (NDP) of Canada
Student Vote for Young Canadians - a YouTube playlist
Mountains, Rivers, Islands, and Oceans